Production Value: Why and How to Incorporate Video Into Your Law Firm Marketing

With so much competition for clients, law firms are seeking any edge they can find.  Even so, many attorneys remain camera shy.  Despite the fact that video is a unique way to market a modern small business, small law firm websites that feature video remain few and far between. 

But, there are a number of reasons why video can be an effective marketing tactic for your law firm.  In the first place, consumer attention spans (all attention spans, really) are becoming shorter, in part because of the way we now consume technology and media; and, video offers short snippets that are easily digestible.  Furthermore, video is a far more visceral and resonant medium than text, in much the same way that speaking with someone in-person is a far more immediate experience than receiving a letter from someone.  Creating and publishing videos can also support and extend a law firm’s content marketing platform, by offering another place to publish information.  Law firm videos could be published to a YouTube channel; and, since YouTube is the world’s second-largest search engine, that’s a great place to relay your expertise. 

If you think the prospect of regular video production sounds daunting, however, take a small step, to start.  Record a 90-second introductory video for the front page of your website, and gauge your clients’ and leads’ responses to it. 

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Through a unique partnership between the bar association and Jared Correia’s Red Cave Law Firm ConsultingVermont Bar Association members now have access to experienced law practice management consultants at a special discounted rate.  To get started, visit Red Cave's Vermont Bar Association landing page, and start running your law practice like a business.
