New Jack City: Authenticator Apps Are a More Secure Form of Two-Factor Authentication

If you just have passwords for your technology applications, without any additional factors of authentication, it’s probably past time to start looking at solutions in that space, to better secure your confidential dataNow, while there are different authentication factors that exist (from biometric indicators, like a fingerprint or voice recognition) to 4-digit to 6-digit codes (that come via your email or smartphone, as secondary access protocols) – the primary option that many folks utilize for business softwares is that numeric code optionHowever, savvy business owners have already moved beyond that optionAnd, I guess you could view that as good or bad news, depending – because it may mean that you can skip a step 😊. 

Now, the reason that this traditional method of access via numeric code, in addition to the password, is falling out of favor, is really two-foldIn the first place, the second email account from which you’re drawing the numeric code could become compromised, as well; and, with respect to the phone/SMS option, there is a tactic called sim jacking, available to hackers, through which they could access the numeric code sent via text. 


So, what’s the more modern (safer) optionThat would be authentication via app(lication)The more secure way to generate authentication is through an authenticator app.  Whereby, instead of accessing a numeric code through email or SMS, the user authenticates their identity by confirming it through an app.  Both Google and Microsoft offer authenticator appsin fact, there are a number of different authenticator apps, which can even be used for multiple softwares. 


If you’re not yet using authenticator apps, in your business – it’s time to explore the option. 


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And, if you feel like your data security program is a bit dicey – give us a call, we can help. 

Through a unique partnership between the bar association and Jared Correia's Red Cave Law Firm Consulting, Vermont Bar Association members have access to experienced law practice management consultants at a special discounted rate.

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