Bought & Sold: Law Firms Can Link Booking and Payment

Booking initial consultations are essential for most law firms.  That’s how the vast majority of lawyers vet their potential clients, and determine whether or not they are a fit for the firm.  It’s also a way to test your potential client’s payment bona fides, which is why the majority of attorneys who hold initial consultation meetings, charge for those.  Of course, actually collecting that payment, has always been the hard part. 


But, now: it’s a whole lot easier. 

Scheduling tools and customer relationship management softwares are beginning to incorporate scheduling and payment into a single process, or unified workflow, such that booking requires initial paymentThis makes the whole process seamless, for both the potential clients and their potential lawyers. 


Calendly, for example, is an automated scheduling tool that integrates with Stripe for paymentAnd, users of Lawmatics, a law firm customer relationship management software, are able to tie payment and scheduling together in a segmented workflow, using the software’s proprietary tools, in order to ensure that payment happens before booking.  Zapier, which allows users to connect all sorts of softwares together, offers even more options. 


Getting paid for a consultation, is simpler than ever. 


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If you want to improve your law firm workflows, just reach out to us  

Through a unique partnership between the bar association and Jared Correia's Red Cave Law Firm Consulting, Vermont Bar Association members have access to experienced law practice management consultants at a special discounted rate.

To get started, visit Red Cave's Vermont Bar Association landing page, and start running your law practice like a business.
