Flow State: Is Your Process Management Software As Fully Functional As You Think?

If you’ve got workflow software you’re trying to launch or implement, and if it’s become a frustrating process – it may not be you, it might be them.  Some process management software is too simple, for modern business use cases; and, if you get even a little bit sophisticated, you may run out of road, quick.

That’s because some process management softwares only allow you to create manual task listsA step up from there, would be to start employing subtasks – only, that feature is not accessible, in some programsFrom there, you may want to automate certain tasks, so that humans won’t have to perform them – instead, the software can effectively follow up on requestsThis will be even more outrageous, moving forward, when ‘autonomous agents’ (powered by AI), will manage entire workflows, all on their own. 


But, you don’t need to get all the way into AI-generated workflows, like, tomorrowThat can be a stretch goalHowever, if you want to take advantage of subtasks and automations, those would be two useful next moves for your firmAnd, if your current software programs don’t offer those options, it may be time to look around. 

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If you want a robust task management software, and are not finding what you’re looking for – we can help! 

Through a unique partnership between the bar association and Jared Correia's Red Cave Law Firm Consulting, Vermont Bar Association members have access to experienced law practice management consultants at a special discounted rate.

To get started, visit Red Cave's Vermont Bar Association landing page, and start running your law practice like a business.
