Cadence: Better Law Firm Management Through Repetition
Routine is so . . . ‘routine’?
The notion of slipping into a routine has lots of negative connotations: it’s boring, it’s stultifying, it lacks creativity. Oftentimes, routine and ‘rut’ are used interchangeably.
A routine is something to climb out of, not to get into.
But, if you run a business, especially a law firm . . . a good routine may be all you need.
Stagnation is a problem with law firms; but, that’s largely because they stick to a systemless model, that ends up being the antithesis of routine. And, honestly: most lawyers don’t want to set up systems, because they’re worried about being bored. They like the challenge, the intellectual stimulation, of untangling thorny legal issues. Putting systems into place seems so . . . ‘routine?’
But, this isn’t an either/or proposition.
You can still work on the cases that you love; and, setting up systems actually allows you to spend more time on substantive work, since your underlying office processes will run more smoothly.
What kind of systems should you consider?
-Creating an intake system, with robust automation.
-Adding a billing program that nets you more consistent revenue.
-Building case workflows that allow you to manage deadlines and outputs, so you can develop compelling strategies.
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If you want to start systematizing across your law practice, we can help!
Through a unique partnership between the bar association and Jared Correia's Red Cave Law Firm Consulting, Vermont Bar Association members now have access to experienced law practice management consultants at a special discounted rate. To get started, visit Red Cave's Vermont Bar Association landing page, and start running your law practice like a business.
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