Ticklish: How to Build a Content Calendar for Your Law Firm
The hardest thing about sticking to a law firm marketing strategy is . . . well, sticking to it. It’s all about consistency; and, most law firms will fail in that regard – instead producing content in fits and starts, without ever getting into a groove. With the sheer volume of business information everyone (both potential clients and referral sources) is exposed to everyday, lawyers must keep a consistent flow of content outgoing from their law firms, if they hope to compete in content marketing.
But, even as most law firms fail to keep up with content marketing obligations, there’s a pretty straightforward tactic for getting right. And, it should be a solution that attorneys are very familiar with, since they use it everyday in the substantive practice of law: setup and maintain a strict calendar, just as one would for a busy litigation practice.
That ‘content calendar’ should include the following components:
-when each type of law firm content will be drafted (and approved, and by whom)
-when each type of law firm content will be published natively (e.g. – at the firm’s blog, on its YouTube channel)
-when each type of law firm content will be publicized ( e.g. – posted to social media channels, shared via email marketing program)
That’s it.
It sounds simple, because it is; but, developing these rythyms inside of a law firm marketing program can make a big difference in lead generation.
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Want to better structure your law firm marketing plan? We can help.
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