Bring a Cannon to a Knife Fight: Why It's Important to Stand Out
Law firm branding is pretty darn similar, when it comes right down to it. Logos feature the same items (like initials, gavels, columns), and color schemes are largely washed in blue, gray and white. Lawyer bios are similar, as well: went to awesome law school, won big awards, had great achievements – without a word to say about how the attorney actually helps clients.
So, it’s easy to say that law firms all act alike and look alike, but it’s difficult to really bring home that point, lacking a graphical interpretation. Now, while I still don’t have a graphical interpretation of how law firms are similar, we can generate an analogy using punk rock bands.
Yes, punk rock bands 😊. Any band stand out to you in this poster from a death metal festival in San Francisco?
Yeah, Party Cannon, right? Every other band has basically the same logo style, in the same way that every law firm has the same logo style.
This is how you stand out.
(Thanks to New York graphic designer, Sam Oliver, for sending this poster my way.)
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If you want to talk about more ways for your law firm to stand out, reach out to us.
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