It’s Not Me, It’s You: Website Design Is for the Consumer
I was talking to a business owner the other day, and he was reluctant to design a website. He doesn’t want the focus to be on him. He wants everything to be about the clients he serves. Now, this person was not a lawyer; but, I also hear this sentiment from lawyers regularly, as well. They believe that their websites have to focus on them, in order to be compelling to legal consumers. And, that’s why so many law firm websites focus almost entirely on lawyers’ credentials. Now, while that information is important for consumers to access, you can’t just stop there.
That’s because what consumers really want to know is how a lawyer can help them with their legal situations. So, law firms and the attorneys that would work for them, should focus their marketing efforts in answering those questions, whenever possible. And, not only does that thesis work effectively for designing websites, it’s also perfectly applicable to creating content, posting on social media and even conversing with new referral sources.
Attorneys don’t like to make marketing about themselves; but, neither does anyone else. So, the more client-focused your marketing can be, the more leads you’ll entice, and the more clients you’ll convert.
It works out for everybody.
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If you’re looking to reassess your marketing strategy, talk to us – we can help, too.
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